Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Obama Revolution

Barack Obama, is a revolutionary in a suit. He it brings hope that we will someday see a change in the right direction, for a political system that has been crippled by greed and is on a downward slide into an inevitable police state. A county ruled by those who are ever increasingly willing so remove the rights of it’s citizens to farther it’s one need for power and control.. It’s with these thoughts in mind that Wasted Nova has created this shirt design. Let the Revolution Begin!

Obama Revolution

Check out this new shirt design for barack obama, the man the wasted nova endorses for president 2008

Monday, June 4, 2007

Green Power

Green Power Creative Shirt

The unstoppable advance of our technology has resulted in an energy addicted society, this addiction is so strong that it is now treating our entire planet. Our generation now unwitting finds it's self at a cross roads. What decisions we make now will not only affect our children but all of humanity's future. This design represents that conflict between the old ways, supported by their stubborn politicians and energy Moguls, and our need to embrace this Revolution in change for Green Power.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Tribal Skull

Tribal Skull

A unique take on a skull made up of tribal lines. This design was created for all the rebel revolutionaries/ bikers. As you walk through the streets let people know what you think...or just look bad ass. Either way, this shirt is sure to please!

Friday, May 25, 2007

Lady Wah

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
She sits on her surfboard off the coast of Lady Wah, waiting for the perfect wave. This mysterious girl uses this creative design to be true to herself. She escapes the world and the injustice of a corrupt and twisted government by floating on the sea. There she sits and waits for a time when her world will be right. This shirt would be a great gift for any girl who loves to surf, or just escaping to the sea!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Compass Rose

Compass Rose

The Compass Rose. If you're looking for something to help you find your way, this shirt can't help you but it will make you look like you're not completely full of it, while reading that new age book.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Cross Winds

Cross Winds Creative Shirts
Choices and decisions come from every angle. This design helps you relax from a day of ruling your world. Sit back and be calm....enjoy the breeze or get ready to fight the storm.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Bony Surf

Bony Surf Creative Shirts
As a surfing revolutionary girl you know the dangers of the sea... but you go anyway. You swam and fought the escaped the sharks. But now your board is at the bottom of the sea. Oh least you still have your cute shirt.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007


Gears Creative Shirts
Gears....they are turning and moving. They control and are the support of the ultimate system. The machine continues its movement without ever realizing that without the gears constant production it would cease to exist. This design represents the strength of many to support the whole. The power belongs to all....not a few.